Videos about Raspberry Pi, its different modls, its performance, its posibilities, operating systems, hacks... It's very easy if you try.
Artificial Intelligence Do It Yourself - Voice kit, project to create a Google Assistant using a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Voice bonnet. And not only that: we experiment a little more and see more possibilities, as control a servo motor by voice. Kit version 2, with Raspberry Pi Zero. Música by internia.
Virtus Dante
Unboxing the AIY (Artificial Intelligence Yourself) Voice Kit, which is used to build (yourself) a Google Assistant, with a speaker. You will can talk and interact with it. Version 2 of the kit, with Raspberry Pi Zero. We also discovered other things that arrived in the same package. Music by Internia.
Virtus Dante
We tried to program an Arduino from our Raspberry Pi 400, using Arduino IDE, but an old version because the updated version does not finish launching correctly from Raspberry OS. We take the opportunity to see what little things can be done with Arduino. Music for internal. Subtitles in Spanish and English.
Virtus Dante
After unboxing, and after do many tests with our Raspberry Pi 400, we bring this evaluation video, talking about the test results.
Spanish audio. Subtitles in Spanish and English.
Music by Internia.
Virtus Dante