
Why donate?

Non-profit motive but with expenses

I do all this because I like it. The resources and time I spend on it are an investment in satisfaction and personal fulfillment. And the greatest satisfaction I get is when others enjoy the result of my work, it is useful to them or it helps them improve in some way.

An example of this is that I am always open to questions and doubts, and I attend them with the desire to help and be of use. Achieving it, simply enriches my karma.

A donation, no matter how small, makes me feel valued and useful, and is a great support to continue creating content and developing tools and gadgets.

Do you want to support me as a creator?

You can make a donation

If you have enjoyed any of my content, some of my tools have been useful to you, I have been able to help you by answering your questions or solving a problem ... then you can support me with a small donation.

It is very satisfactory to receive this kind of feedback, especially when I have had a direct deal, either by YouTube, email, telephone, whatsapp, telegram,... But I also like to know that the content I contribute, be it videos, articles or Tutorials, as well as the tools I provide, are helpful.

The donation is made by secure means managed by PayPal.
You don't need a PayPal account, you can donate by credit card.
At the end, you will return to my website.
In PayPal you will see me as internia.

If you want to talk to me

Perhaps you have any questions or proposals to consult with me, and that is why you have arrived here, in which case you can contact me right now:

Contact me